something fun everyday: days 5, 6 & 7

Friday = Day 5. I treated myself to a facial. My skin has been a wreck post-baby. Recent stress, travel, and drought conditions have done nothing to improve things. So yea for the facial. But these days? Even just lying around for an hour is heavenly.

Saturday = Day 6. Eeeee! The babies got to meet! We captured the moment on video. Perhaps one day of these 30 will be me figuring out how to get that on here. But something tells me that would fall into a 30 Days of Frustration list... Also? We got Tookie's! Praise tiny baby Jesus, they're open again.

Sunday = Day 7. We had lunch with the in-laws. They're back from their long European vacation. It was good to catch up over Mexican food. Later, Hubby and I got to nap on the couch while the baby slept in her crib. Priceless.


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100 things--thankful

hey, would you like to see the nursery?