
Girl. Seven. I'm going to just throw it out there that I may be crazy for the next year. Seven was when my whole world changed. I look at you now and think of me when I was your age. So young to lose a parent. I'll cross my fingers and knock on wood and say all the chants to the universe that you don't ever know what that's like. And then I'll move on to happier things. You're in 1st grade! You're doing fine. Reading hasn't come effortlessly to you but we're working on it, and you've made progress. You definitely still love it when we read to you two before bed. We've gotten into "The Series of Unfortunate Events." Y'all LOVE THEM. We're also working on incorporating more math into our daily life (for both of you). It's fun to see that developing as well. You like doing experiments with the science kits, and your science project this year was Lemon Volcanoes. I think you still love art t...