seven years (the boy edition!)
Happy birthday, my sweet boy! We had your birthday party last Saturday and things are just kind of hectic this week, so it wasn't the first thing I thought of when I woke up. But I at least remembered before you left for camp. Speaking of your birthday party...for the second year in a row you picked some weird, obscure theme. This year? Treasure X. Lucky for me it's sort of like a pirate theme so that's what we went with. We had some fun decorations and favors. You requested doughnuts again instead of cake. We had a scavenger hunt which went way better than I expected. And a piñata. You asked for that specifically. A good, crazy time was had by all you little boys. This summer has gone by so fast. You've had lots of camps since y'all didn't want to go to real day care anymore. You've done several technology-related ones and have enjoyed them. You got to learn to fly drones, build robots, ...