month 12

Well, baby boy. You did it. You've been in this world every day of the year. You are a complete joy. Well, minus the times you are pitchin' the biggest fits. You are definitely worth all the trouble you caused me during pregnancy and all the sleep deprivation and all the diaper fails (um, including this morning's). You've had a pretty big month. You now know lots of tricks--waving, clapping, giving high fives, blowing raspberries, blowing bubbles in the pool. You can stand on your own, stand up from the squatting position and vice versa, cruise like nobody's business. You have mastered the stairs. Up, anyway. You climb off the furniture on your own. You get into and out of the kid-sized chairs all by yourself. You've actually taken a few steps here and there over the last week. Very exciting! But I think it will be awhile before you're proficient. No rush. Over the last week, we've started the switch to milk. Once the formula is gone in all your var...