3 years! (the boy edition)

Hey, Buddy! You're 3! I can't believe my baby is three. Sigh. These days you go by a lot of different names other than your own--Buddy, Buddy Bear, Buns, Jojo, Joj. I think Jojo came from the Power Puff girls' Mojo Jojo. I'd change it to [your name] Jojo. And then dropped your name altogether. Daddy calls you Super Son sometimes. So, Jojo, what are you like these days? Mostly awesome with a little bit of the whole "threenager" thing sprinkled in. Oh my, speaking of sprinkles I guess I should start with a story from when we went on vacation in the Hill Country a few weeks ago. You met your first love. It was so funny; as soon as we got to the campground, we went to the pool. You quickly found an age-appropriate little girl to woo. After we changed, we went to the playground. There you flirted with 3 sisters. The oldest one (who turned 14 while we were there) is the person you say you're g...