three and a half

Oh, little girl. I can't believe time just keeps flying by. You're 3 1/2. As we're planning your brother's birthday party, you tell me that you want a princess party yourself. That is not at all shocking but we'll see what happens over the next six months. I'm also excited because there is a very high probability of a new baby being born today and he'll be exactly 3 1/2 years younger than you. I can't wait for him to get here!

What to say about you? You're a pretty awesome kid. You're so smart and verbal. And very, very chatty. You have such empathy and are really kind to the younger kids. You're going to make a great momma one day since you mother your brother. Sometimes too much but we're working on that. You're really well-behaved and people seem to enjoy you. You do whine more than I'd like and pitch a few fits but those are way down. You are still not the most athletic but you're really enjoying the pool these days. The other day you used the floaty but kicked yourself back and forth down the length of the pool several times. I was tired trying to keep up with you. You're also doing swimming lessons at the Y again and hopefully we'll get you into some year-long ones after that.

You're doing great in school. I had a meeting with your teacher to go over your skills tests. You really love books and you participate well in class. You can do really simple math and have a huge vocabulary. And are super inquisitive. Sometimes to my dismay. You're doing really well with everything except for your handwriting. We hadn't been working with you on that enough, and I think it's particularly hard since you're left handed. But we started focusing on it more and Grandma has been a big help. You've really improved in a short time. You'll change classes in August--Pre-K 4. Holy moly. But I guess you have 2 years until Kindergarten proper. I think you already know more than I did when I started school. Times, they are a changin'.

You're really a girl now. You've thinned out quite a bit and have had a growth spurt recently I think. You're finally into size 9 shoes. You mostly wear size 4 clothes. It's the length that's the limiting factor. Your hair is super long--down to your waist. People can't believe we have, in fact, cut it. You need a haircut now, though. I think you're slightly less blonde and won't be surprised if you have brown hair as an adult. Although, I'll probably still think of you as blonde.

As I alluded to, you love all things princesses (Frozen, especially). And anything girly. Although! You came to me the other day and declared that you like pants again. Crazy. After almost a year and a half of NEVER wearing them, you can now sometimes be found in pants--long or short. You like fancy hair styles which is super fun for me. I've found some pretty impressive things on Pinterest. I'd say you still like pink the best followed by purple. You and your brother also have an interest in dinosaurs and alligators and "nature walks." You do enjoy watching movies, going to the park, walking Maggie, playing dress-up. I think I'm your favorite but I may be just eeking out your brother. You two are good friends. You even sleep together--heads at opposite ends of your twin bed. We may need to make some adjustments to that.

Speaking of sleeping, you are at a stage where going to bed or going down for naps (which you still take--yea!) is pretty easy. Bedtime is usually between 8:30 and 9. You mostly sleep through the night but wake up altogether too early. You had one weird incident of sleep walking. You had made it halfway down the stairs so I'm glad that didn't end poorly.

I think we're finally at an age where I have no pottying updates. You use it. The end. Wee!

You eat ok. You love sweets--candy, cookies, cupcakes, icing, ice cream. Chocolate milk and juice are your preferred beverages but we limit them. Still love fruit, yogurt, cheese. Also really enjoy corn on the cob which is kind of fun to watch.

I'm even busier than normal these days but I'll try to add some pictures to this soon. I love you, Chicken. You're a good egg. Haha. Ha. Um, yeah. This won't be the last time I embarrass you. Looking forward to doing that for many years to come.


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100 things--thankful

hey, would you like to see the nursery?