the plunge

or the boredom...I'm not sure which. Regardless, here I am in the land of blogs. At least I'm not working on a MySpace page, right? Isn't this more respectable? Now we'll just have to see how much of my free time goes into this. I imagine it will be addictive and I'll suddenly look up and be of retirement age...


Anonymous said…

Congratulations on your blog! I'm sure the your trademark wit will kick into gear as things come along. :) I understand you live with your brother now. As somebody who lives with his sister, I would enjoy hearing funny and supportive anecdotes about living with your sibling. If you would like to have a personal support group and help me overcome my sister's inability to take out the garbage, give me a call. :) Andrew R.
Anonymous said…
Myspace? Hmmm... ¿Dónde está su página de myspace?

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100 things--thankful

hey, would you like to see the nursery?