They're in the hands of the USPS. Lots of brides on the blogs I read talk about getting the post office to hand cancel the envelopes. Or some of the brides convince the postal workers to let them do it themselves. This allegedly is easier on the envelopes than the normal machine they get put through. Some people have said their envelopes ended up in a machine anyway. I thought I'd at least ask since so many hours went into assembling them but today? When I took them in? I just dropped them off. I'm in a very "f- it" mood, apparently beyond caring that the invitations will likely not make it to their destinations in pristine condition.
I'll share pictures when enough time has passed for people to have received them. You know, after I take new pictures since all of mine are gone. So I guess just to humor me, let me know what yours looks like when you get it. Run over by a truck? Left in a rainstorm? Whatever. I can take it.
I'll share pictures when enough time has passed for people to have received them. You know, after I take new pictures since all of mine are gone. So I guess just to humor me, let me know what yours looks like when you get it. Run over by a truck? Left in a rainstorm? Whatever. I can take it.