wedding wednesday: the ceremony begins

I'm pretty particular. And slightly obsessive. And totally notice the little things. I wanted our wedding to be our wedding. You've maybe realized this already? I also love music. It can help dictate the mood and help you express your emotions and help encourage those emotions in others. And it can surprise you. I had music class starting in Kindergarten and continued on with band until graduation. So, yeah, this was an important part of the day for me. The Hubby really enjoys music, too. He has opinions (which are often different from mine). But we did well making the selections together. (I'm not gonna lie--I think he gave me more say than he had. In this and in everything about the day.) Our prelude music (aka the music that only the early birds got to hear--hopefully--I don't know for sure since I wasn't there), was very standard classical, wedding-type music. We were in a museum. I wanted people to think things were going to be fairly standard and traditional ...