15 weeks

Total weight gain: Hmm, perhaps I should have weighed myself on the scale at home the same day I was at the doctor last. Eh, let's assume I've probably gained no more than a pound this week. I'll try to remember to keep up with this after my next appointment. Movement: Now, it could be nothing or indigestion or gas or my internal organs rearranging themselves but when I was going to bed one day this week it seemed as if there might have been a bit of fluttering. Or not. We'll see how this week goes. Cravings: Nothing of note this week. There was one day when nothing sounded good for dinner so I splurged with Taco Bell. I just wanted some nachos. Don't judge. And I had a kid-sized root beer this week and it was mighty tasty. I don't know if I believe that eating healthy makes you not ever want those bad-for-you foods you were used to eating. Oh, wait! Peaches! Peaches have tasted exceptionally good this week. Symptoms: Had a few tired days but I think that...