do you know the way...

In other news, I'm in our great state capital this evening. I'm staying here. It's very hip. I think maybe too hip for me. Maybe too hip for me merely because I used the word "hip" to describe it. I'm surprised they let me in. Well, I am wearing corduroy...
I know I should be writing about resolutions (see poll, as requested) since it's timely. When I finally get around to it it will be old news. Kind of like my Christmas post. The problem is that I still haven't gotten my computer fixed and my resolution stuff is on there. Yes, I'm anal. I would also love to post pictures of the progress going on at my house but can't get pictures from my camera to a computer since I also can't download stuff to my work computer. It's a terrible situation. So maybe my first resolution should involve getting my computer fixed. Or perhaps taking care of errands a little more promptly in general since it was pointed out to me on Monday that my car's inspection was due in October. I hadn't noticed...
Or maybe the only goal I will have this year (other than working on the house and maybe changing up the blog's appearance a little) will be to find a man. I've been thinking about this a little more lately. Maybe it's because I have this great house for just lil ol' me. Maybe it's because of all the obligations of the holidays where society expects you to have a significant other. (Thank goodness the only thing we Singletons have to make it through now is V Day.) Maybe it's because as I was reviewing my Happy List items (the stuff below the title up there that I change periodically) I realized I must have written those things when I was smitten with someone. I haven't been smitten in some time.
So there you go...a hodge podge of things on my mind this evening.
I would be the one to make the man move, Bubba.
And the expired inspection was pointed out by the brother's girlfriend (who, incidentally, is not a cop).
John Mayer looks like a little boy! We caught the end of his act when we went to see Sheryl Crow. He's pretty good with hia guitar. Too bad he has bad taste in women. Consider yourself lucky!
I could write a whole post on how stupid Valentine's Day fact, I probably will! +)
It's been too many years that we've said, "not another Valentine's Day single!" Here's to holding the good thoughts that you find someone special soon.
You only want a man until St. Patrick's Day, like the song says. I love that album. I think I need a John Mayer fix....
Negativo to the resolutions. I just try to resolve to be a better person every day.
Also, I will say that once I decided I didn't need a man in my life (like you decided you didn't need to 'be with' someone for you to have a super-cute house you wanted), Bubba showed up. I'm not kidding, like within a month. Not getting your hopes up, but I would not try to force something like that. You can actively try, but do it for you, not just because you think that's what you want. (I know, easy for a Smug Married to sister tells me that all the time. Just be true to you.)