sunday scribblings - foul

A day late...

The first thing that came to mind when I read the prompt was baseball. Seriously. I miss baseball season (even more because the writers' strike is leaving much to be desired on the television front).

I've been thinking about Opening Day and the season with this almost entirely new team. Will it feel the same? Will I still miss Biggio? (Um, of course.) Will the crowd spontaneously make up new chants for the new players? Will they all seem like nice guys? Will all the changes make a difference in their record?

Who am I kidding? They'll still be the Astros. It will still be baseball. I'll still be thrilled to be there and will love walking into the ballpark for the first time in months. The grass will look greener, the hotdogs will taste better, the city skyline will be more imposing than it was months ago. I can't wait...


As for football, it doesn't really interest me all that much. Missed the first quarter. Loved seeing Tom Petty (and not his boobs) at halftime. Enjoyed some of the commercials. Ate pizza. Didn't really care who won the game so just rooted for the offense. Was struck by the Americana of it all (given the team colors and at least one of their names). Was glad that Tom I-date-one-hot-celebrity-and-leave-her-after-she-gets-pregnant-only-to-turn-around-and-immediately-hook-up-with-a-super-model Brady did not win. Actually enjoyed the last few minutes of the fourth quarter. That's about a good a game as I could ask for...


You will miss Biggio.
D... said…
I was thinking that about the Astros as well. Will we even recognize them? But, once the season gets going, we'll love them the same. Biggio will be missed tho!

I feel the exact same way as you about football. And the fourth quarter.
We will all miss Biggio. *sniff*

But I CAN'T WAIT for baseball season!! Go 'Stros!
Anonymous said…
After years of hating baseball I am right there in your group now to. I can't wait to get back to the ballpark to watch some games. As for the new team; I've found that reading up on things at has helped me feel like I'm getting to know the new guys.

The Brother
StaceyG said…
"Foul" makes me think of something smelly.
Bubba's Mom said…
Astros equipment bus left today. Camp starts next week!! We will miss Biggio, but Backe will be back. And this year, I think Bubba and Bubba's Dad will make opening day. It's gonna be a whole new season baby! Go 'Stros!

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