...and now, back to our regularly scheduled monotony
Finally, I'm back home. It was a long week as indicated by my inability to answer a simple question posed by an airline representative. "What was in your luggage?" "Clothes," I say. No kidding, thinks Rep. "Yes, but what kind? Even saying 'a green shirt' would help locate your bag if the tag fell off." "Hmmm, slacks? Yeah, some khaki slacks?" I reply. Why can't I think of what I wore this week. What did I wear yesterday? "Honest to God I can't remember what I wore yesterday. It's been a long week." "I bet." Honestly, it was. My luggage is supposedly arriving by 9pm tonight. Doesn't it seem weird that there are people who drive other people their luggage? It's their job. Airlines need to pay people to do that...seems strange and wasteful and an exercise in inefficiency but whatever. So on my way home I was listening to the radio, flipping through the stations. You know how occasiona...