week 25

A few days late... But, hey! The baby is developing into an eggplant now!

Total weight gain: Still about 19 pounds.

Movement: Generally, bouts first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. Plus a few times in the middle of the day and at least once during the night. This baby is crazy active.

Cravings: Still loving the red grapes. And had some watermelon again and it was particularly good. And since it's fall? I could eat about a dozen apples dipped into that pre-made caramel sauce they sell in grocery stores.

Symptoms: Crazy dreams, baby brain, forgetfulness, difficulty sleeping. I think I finally found a reasonably good pillow so while I may not be sleeping as well as I did pre-pregnancy, at least I'm not waking up with the same neck and shoulder pain. Oh, but speaking of pain, I have been getting some lower back pain on my right side after sitting for extended periods. Not fun. I foresee more massages in my future.

Belly button: Holding steady.

Preparations: Finished the quilt! Since we were pretty busy this past week and weekend, I think that's about all I did. I need to finish those valances and make a bed skirt. Crib skirt? I'm hoping we can finally take the rocking chair in this week so re-upholstery can begin. And maybe I can start painting the dresser.

Milestones: Yesterday was the official beginning of the 3rd trimester. Please excuse me while I freak out. I did have a minor wave of overwhelm as I was skimming a daycare packet that one of my friends kindly brought over. I just suddenly felt the weight of being responsible for another human. And I guess a kind of milestone is that I got sick for the first time since pregnant--battling the allergies. It looks like pollen counts will be going down tomorrow and Wednesday so hopefully I can push through.

Weekly wisdom: I feel all out of wisdom. Maybe just the "live in the moment" thing that is a general life goal. As I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable at times and the baby is moving like crazy, I try to remind myself that I should appreciate where we are now. That I'm guaranteed to get even less comfortable before it gets better. And that these baby movements were the same ones I was so anxious for (and I do enjoy them except when I get a punch in the ribs or something).

This weekend the baby traveled to the Alamo... (Also? I think my face is looking weird. Maybe it's just in pictures.)


Anonymous said…
um, who is painting that dresser? you know i owe you one.

Katie Lady said…
A word of wisdom....jump on child care as soon as you possibly can. I don't want to freak you out, but I want you to be prepared. When I picked Little Man up today the director was showing out a girl who came for an interview. Has a 2 week old and on NO lists. She will not get a spot for a while. Places fill up fast, and around here, you pretty much get on a list as soon as the stick turns 'positive.' So start now, call a few places and see if they take infants, etc. Better to be prepared and early than not and you have limited options. Yeah, it's freaky, but it sucks WAY worse when the baby is actually here, as those 3 months go by SUPER fast.

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