a week i should have had flicker

Or maybe two weeks. Then maybe I wouldn't have been MIA for that first week. My last two posts were entertaining to me. Were they enough to constitute an entire post? Probably not.

You want more?

Today I overheard someone say, "I'm not really much of a reader." I do not understand. That's like speaking an entirely different language to me.

Also, as I was walking back from the liquor store to get lunch (not liquid lunch, an actual salad...oddly the freshest produce around and it's 1.2 miles roundtrip), I passed some purple lantana. About 30 butterflies flew up and were all around me. I smiled and giggled.

Do you see? You could have totally read about these things via flicker. But I still won't break down and get it. (And not just because Patois made it less cool.)


Patois42 said…
Um, thanks for the mention? Remember, you can't do Twitter or Facebook either.

Love the thought of those butterflies.
cjm said…
:o) I give props where they're due... You still blog even though you're twittering. I think I'd end up going months between posts. And thousands and thousands of twitters.
Quote of the Week: "...as I was walking back from the liquor store to get lunch..."

Katie Lady said…
I used to go to Speck's for lunch, with my infant son in tow. Boy, did I get some looks.

You're not on Facebook either?! OMG, I thought Bubba and I were the only ones! I don't have time for that. I would NEVER blog then. And I hardly do now. Oops.
StaceyG said…
At least you're noticing the little things.
klm said…
To follow up on the "I'm not much of a reader" - someone told me today, "I have never been one to take pictures, ever. I don't even own a camera" That I do not understand!!!

crowd favorites

100 things--thankful

hey, would you like to see the nursery?