mostly nothing
I got no work done on the house this weekend. The Ugly Bathroom is just waiting patiently.
I made no decisions regarding the wedding location this weekend. I've ruled out a lot of places. The Bridal Extravaganza! and The Brother's MIL had a few ideas that we're looking into. The Fiance tried to find out some info on one place. It may mean lying about religion. Is that a bad way to start a marriage? And can you go to Hell if you don't believe in it? Kidding, kidding. Sort of.
It was very nice to see my ladies on Saturday. It's also pretty cool that they have all met one another before. And they're all very helpful and fun and supportive. You know, what bridesmaids and close friends are supposed to be.
The Fiance's parents hosted a little gathering for us on Sunday. We got to meet several of their friends. Everyone was very nice and congratulatory. One woman said she got a good feeling about us just from our picture. I'm sure she thought so even more once The Fiance told how we met and how he proposed. The ladies sure seemed impressed.
The Fiance's grandma is going to write down memories of her wedding for us. This makes me very excited. Hopefully I'll be able to incorporate some aspect of it into ours.
Really, we mostly just played the Wii when not trying to figure out wedding stuff. I rock at the drums.
I may try on dresses this weekend. Nervous breakdown likely scheduled for Sunday.
I'm going to try to squeeze in at least one non-wedding-related post each week. I promise.
Really, this whole post is because I don't want to work today. Sigh, but I better get back to it.
I made no decisions regarding the wedding location this weekend. I've ruled out a lot of places. The Bridal Extravaganza! and The Brother's MIL had a few ideas that we're looking into. The Fiance tried to find out some info on one place. It may mean lying about religion. Is that a bad way to start a marriage? And can you go to Hell if you don't believe in it? Kidding, kidding. Sort of.
It was very nice to see my ladies on Saturday. It's also pretty cool that they have all met one another before. And they're all very helpful and fun and supportive. You know, what bridesmaids and close friends are supposed to be.
The Fiance's parents hosted a little gathering for us on Sunday. We got to meet several of their friends. Everyone was very nice and congratulatory. One woman said she got a good feeling about us just from our picture. I'm sure she thought so even more once The Fiance told how we met and how he proposed. The ladies sure seemed impressed.
The Fiance's grandma is going to write down memories of her wedding for us. This makes me very excited. Hopefully I'll be able to incorporate some aspect of it into ours.
Really, we mostly just played the Wii when not trying to figure out wedding stuff. I rock at the drums.
I may try on dresses this weekend. Nervous breakdown likely scheduled for Sunday.
I'm going to try to squeeze in at least one non-wedding-related post each week. I promise.
Really, this whole post is because I don't want to work today. Sigh, but I better get back to it.
Note: This is the place (if it's big enough) I'm willing to lie to get into:

And, yeah, I think lying about your religion sets a bad precedent.
Because that is one cute church! (I'm guessing it's a church.)
Now, I read something recently that said if only we put as much time and effort into preparing for marriage as we did preparing for the wedding... So I'm not opposed to counseling. It can only be helpful. The thing is, I haven't been a practicing Catholic since Mom died. And The Fiance, while more religious than I, is not Catholic either. So could I join primarily to use the church? Yeah, that's probably wrong. All that being said, I don't even know if they'd let a non-Catholic get married there or if it's large enough. We shall see...
And keep the wedding talk commin'. No need to force yourself to write about something else--this is a big deal :-)
yikes!!! EEEk...YIPPIE! i wish i could be there to enjoy the experience. :( someone must take pics and send them to me.